Candidate 2010
California State Senate
(Far North Coast)
They tell us repeatedly that we must choose between a left and a right.I would like to suggest that there is no such thing as a left or right.There is only up and down.Man's dream - the ultimate in individual freedom or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism.That's something our fore fathers sought to minimize.They knew that governments don't control "things".When a government sets out to do that it must use force and coercion to achieve it's purpose.The government has some charge it can bring against any family or individual it chooses.Many families and individuals have their tales of harrassment. Somewhere a perversion has taken place.Our natural inalienable rights are now seen as a dispensation of government. And freedom?Those who would rather live on their knees than fight back don't speak for the rest of us.You and I have a rendezvous with destiny.We believe that we have the ability, the dignity and the right to make our own decisions and determine our own destiny.
Ronald Reagan 1964
Ed Musgrave 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
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1. No person or child shall be detained except for the commission or omission of specific acts as stated individually and clearly in law.
2. No child shall be removed from their home unless and until it is proven in a court of law that the parent has done or failed to do a specific thing as clearly stated in law.
3. No person shall be forced to take any medications until it has been proven in a court of law that that person has violated the criminal code.
4. Abolish WIC 5150 (Involuntary Commitments)
5. Abolish the existing CC 273 (Child Endangerment)
6. No person shall be detained more than 72 hours without appearing before a judge.
7. No senior citizen shall be removed from their home as long as they demand their Liberty.
8. The right to bear arms shall not be abridged.
9. In any trial to deprive a person of their Liberty or their children,they shall have a right to a trial by jury of their peers.
10. The right to freedom of speech shall never be abridged except for very specific and well defined acts.Except for those specific acts,no person shall be detained for anything they say,write,express in pictures or
express in motions.
I have prepared a 60 minute video, "1989", which presents my experience with CPS.It can be seen on Google Video by searching "family and CPS".I could not go any further without it getting too personal about my children.However, there are a lot of good things appearing on CPS abuse in the Yahoo groups "cafra" and "childprotectionreform".Elements of the case against the existing CPS system which match my experience are in my Yahoo Group "musgravefor assembly"
So much of the substance of the conflict between the "State" and the individual (or family) is experienced in the CPS system. In the struggle for Liberty, what can be of higher priority than our children?
For 5 months the Los Angeles County CPS kept my children before I was ever allowed to even be in the courtroom.No person's property,liberty or children should ever be taken in any country,especially in the United States with no timely judicial rights.That's what freedom was all about in the struggle with Soviet style Communism.And, today,in California in the CPS and Juvenile Court System, that wretched system
lives - destroying lives of children, parents and families with NO OPPOSITION.
CPS and Juvenile Court do not know or care what they are doing to these kids. They pull them out of homes where they could be loved,where they could have established relations with their parents and brohers and sisters.Where a family can be functinong that has love between the members and there is caring for each other and appropriate behavior in the family.
CPS and Juvenile Court keep the children for months away from their parents and away from each other.All this happens in a sensitive time of the children's development. They lose all their conections to their brothers,sisters and parents.The family is dead.Then,the family is quick and easy prey for the CPS and Juvinile court, having lost it's essential nature as a family.There is nothing the parents can do.At this stage there is nothing that any one can do.The family is sitting there ready for another strike by CPS and Juvenile Court - hovering around the family like buzzards over their prey.
Where do the children end up in this grand CPS scheme?
First of all they are sent to foster homes.Small children are sent to County Nurseries.Some are literally dumped on the floor in stranger's homes.The children are moved from home to home as the foster parents lose interest in the children.When the children are older they are sent to group homes.At age 18 they are literally dumped into the street.Children of the CPS have a very high rate of homelessness and lack of what it takes to suceed.How many of those CPS backers,foster parents and group home providers now care for those children? - all the unhappiness these children experience in the CPS system? - what it does to them for the rest of their lives?
If you like the CPS you'd love the former Soviet Communist State.There,"the state" took care of your life for you and everbody else's too.Nothing could go wrong then.After all,the collective knows best.
Contributions can be sent to:
Musgrave for Assembly
P.O. Box 411
Clearlake Park,CA 95424
The CPS and Juvenile Court routinely violate the words and spirit of the 4,5,6,7,9 of the Bill of Rights.There are no references to families and children in the Bill of Rights but they should be as well protected as persons with criminal charges and for civil procedures for property.
Assisted Suicide for Seniors? Approve.The government has no business in the relationship of a doctor to the patient.
Not a high priority.If seniors can arrange to get killed, why can't those seniors remain in their own homes as long as they want to.
Maybe the health inducing effects of the emotionality and whatever of their home and family and friends could prolong their life and even maybe stop the disease.
They say they don't have enough money for psychiatric treatment for people who want treatment and could possibly benefit from treatment. I ask why don't they get rid of WIC5150 which forces treatment on people who don't want it and whose lives could be made more miserable because of it?
Larry McDonald said that (government tyranny) acts as a brake on material progress. How true!The CPS and Juvenile Court take the kids and parents spend a lifetime trying to fix the damage they did.A student gets extremely brilliant in a classroom for the supreme genius.A bus driver takes a look at them,calls the police and they are put in a mental institution and forced to take massive doses of Prolixin which completely wipes out their thoughts and feelings and destroys all that valuable genius stuff and you can rest assured that student will never make a effort at genius things again.The brilliant but so called 'crazy" genius senior lives under constant threat of being removed to an institution.That genius seeks a home in the wilderness away from any human communication with other geniuses, to have some chance of preserving his liberty.
Soviet Moscow, I mean the County of Los Angeles, has a central control room with all the zones for involuntary detainment in Mental Hospitals. They have the whole thing organized so that any "different" person can be swiftly swept up and put away.So, if you are "different",stay out of Los Angeles County.How far has Orange County gone into this involuntary detainment in mental institutions?
Good sites for CPS related
A child is taken from his loving home,away from his brothers and sisters and father and mother and literally dumped on a stranger's floor.There is no one to hear the cries of the child.For 5 months the child is moved about in foster homes before the family is allowed to appear in court.The emotional scars the child never loses,the family always has,and the community comes to experience.Even as the CPS and Juvenile Court can find no good cause, even with all their codes,the child,the family and the local community have no remedy at law.And, the child's cry is never heard.
Every cluster of 400,000 peopled population geographic area has representation in the State legislature,habitually electing carbon copy establishment politicians.Over a million Libertarians never have a voice in Sacramento.I suggest making the State Senate using Proportional Representation.Any party with 2 1/2% vote would be represented.Californians could elect any flavor of representation,much as the recent recall election gave pportunity for a full range of alternatives.In the federal government,the House repesents the people and the Senate represents the states.In California, the two houses really represent the same thing -a State Senate district just being two Assembly districts.Many people in California move about in their lifetimes and in their family history.They never develop long time geographic connections and are deprived of any representation in the Assembly and Senate.Many issues belong to all the people of California,regardless where they live,and not attached to any small geographic area.With Proportional Representation,we would have one Libertarian voice in Sacramento,maybe two,or,perhaps,someday a majority!
Health care costs can be significantly reduced by ending the state imposed limitations on the supply of health care professionals.We need to expand the number of doctors.We need to expand paraprofessionals who can competently do things now requiring medical doctors.
Prison overcrowding and the cost of new prisons can be reduced by the state stopping the imprisonment of people who have hurt no one.And the state can review all those imprisoned and examine carefully court records searching for prisoners whose convictions were the result of overzealous authorities.People charged with crimes should have the same resources as the state who prosecutes them.We are a people who have a government,we aren't supposed to have a government that has a people.The existing system can be a ready made conviction system where even innocent people may not have a chance.Routinely people who have few resources are charged with a crime requiring years of time in prison.They have no choice but to plead guilty for a "lessor" offence still requiring prison time.Their available legal defense can be minutes in the hall of a court room.
Educational construction costs can be significantly reduced by helping parents who want to home school their children.Frequently, home schooling provides the best education for the child.Every student home schooled saves the construction costs of one classroom.Some part of the education dollar that we all pay should be available for alternative private schools.Again public school construction costs can be reduced.In addition,with more alternatives to education public school education will have to be good to compete.More new ideas can be discovered.New talented people can be involved with the education of children.
errata - In the last post I meant the part of the school construction cost for that one student will be saved.
New proposed criminal acts include any influence on a child that could cause them to live a life that could bring them into vilolation of any of the all inclusive child welfare regulations.It's like they are proposing a complete ban on any interaction with a child.
The government knows best! It is estimated that 50% of children who leave foster homes because of age are unemployed.
A new proposal will ban any punishment of a child with a belt.I wonder who among those child do gooders will take responsibility for children who grow up out of control.Who are they really helping?
Free all political prisoners.The state should free all prisoners who are there only for their politics and not for the crime they were convicted on.
Some teenager's lives, perhaps, could be saved with some intervention touching on the sexual part of their lives.Under existing state law anything approaching this area is considereed lewd and lascivious and subject to severe prison terms. They say, that maybe psychiatrists could talk to these teenagers.Who says that existing psychiatrists know anything substantial about some of these things?
The one minute speech can now be seen on google video under"caltech speech"
As a Libertarian candidate I strongly believe that:
1)We must restore liberty and work for a government that won't interfere with your personal life. You - not your government should decide how to run your life, your education and your family.
2)You have a right to educate your children as you see fit.
3)You choose your own life style.The government shouldn't ocnsider you a criminal or violator of mental health codes because of your choice of relationships, recreation, medical treatment or just how you want to be.
4)There should be truly equal treatment under the law regardless of social/economic/cultural background, gender, politics, religion,sexuality,age,or personal characteristics.
5)You should have a right to own a firearm. Self-defense is a right.
6)Regulations and paperwork must be reduced to allow you or others to start and run businesses to create and protect jobs,decent incomes and lower prices.
7)Everything must be done to make certain that property is within your reach. And, you should be able to enjoy that property
Based on writing of Bruce Cohen published in 2004/2005/2006 California Voter Guide.
Homeless people can not depend on the government for needed services.Eligibility worker's behavior can be to give the homeless person, who is really down and out, a swift kick.I don't think that is the attitude of all North Coast residents to the homeless. Besides, the amount of money that finally trickles through the welfare overhead may not be enough to even possible get shelter.
A much better way is to give tax credits at market rates for people who temporarily house homeless persons and families.They know who is in need and it may be possible for a homeless person to find someone who treats them with respect.This means, too, less money and power to government agencies.
Nice article on CPS in July 23,2007 New American can be seen at
The schools run by the government are a major cause of the pernicious development of a closs society in California and greater America.
Students in expensive residential communities experience excellent schools with many AP classes, like two years of calculus. In low income districts, students get no calculus and few AP classes.
Students in low price residential areas are forced into "loser" schools.
Parents can be subject to imprisonment if a child is tardy FOR EVEN A FEW DAYS, EVEN THE STUDENT MAY BE HAVING THEIR LIVES ENRICHED FOR A SHORT TIME.
In districts with two or more schools, the children of the wealthy owners, professional and managerial occupations receive one education and the other 80% something very different,lacking quality and opportunity.One set of teachers for the rich and another set for the other 80%.
And all this stuff enforced by State Government.
1. Abolish Child Protective Services. They are destructive to families.Their procedured violate fundamental rights we expect as Americans.
2.Abolish state mental health authorities. They can force drugs on people before they even see a judge.
3. Stop forcing seniors into institutions.
4. Provide tax credits to people who feed the hungry, give rooms to the homeless and help families in need.
5.Create a separate entity like Social Security that collects income throughout a lifetime and pays a basic medical bills including dental,vision,check-ups and preventive medicine.
6. Remove property taxes from land dedicated to solar power, agriculture and energy storage.
7. Provide tax credits to people donating use of their property for a new hydrogen economy.
8.Provide tax credits to people who help create new small schools first to twelfth grade, create new private schools and provide funds for classroom supplies and faculty pay enhancements.
If we drain the state treasury, they won't have the money to deprive people of their liberty.
Imagine a world where everyone is free to think, feel,live and experience life freely. Every culture,every person living with dignity whatever their nature. A unity in diversity. We all have a human body.We all reach for and should experience that deepest human and cultural attachment.
Why send money to Sacramento and hopes it comes back to help the people in one's local community. Once that money is captured by the state, who knows and who controls where that hard earned money goes? There are 30 million people in California. How can one community have any influence on how that money is spent?
Bring down the tent of government evenly, liberating all people - the rich and the poor, the left and the right, the propertied and propertyless, students and workers, the youg and the old, the oppressed and the priveldged.
Libertarians are a party of all people. What could be more fundamental than the hope of liberty, the relief from tyranny and a state secure in the certain liberty for all.
Libertarians do not believe in the state government taxing and spending the earnings of California's people.
Libertarians want the absence of the heavy hand of government. We do not believe in state government solutions to all the problems of the people.Keep the money and power in local communities and the sovereign individual.
Libertarians do not believe in a tiny group of people in a far distant capitol planning our lives and spending our money for us when we could do it ourselves. Let the Sacramento beurocrats go home.
Remove taxes from assets like our land devoted to production. You don't tax assets. Assets make the economy grow. Its like taking the farmer's seed. With no seed, there are no crops.
People of the North Coast deserve a representative in the State Assembly who has spent the last 17 years continuously in this district. I know the needs of this district. First and foremost are living wage jobs and economic development consistent with our special natural environment. We need jobs so our children do not have to leave, only through lack of employment.
I won't be joining the "club" in Sacramento. I won't waste one second trying to collect money for a second term.
I ask the voters of the 1st Assembly District for the opportunity to represent them one term to do what I can for the people of the North Coast and in my own way help bring a liberty bell to Sacramento and let it ring throughout this great state of ours.
1. Dismantle State Government
2. Remove good things like the Universituy of California from State Government. End the State police functions outside University property. Currently State Police have jurisdiction of 1mile from the campus. That virtually means the entire surrounding city.
3. Cessation of the dentention and holding of any individuals or children without judicial procedures consistent with the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, including trial by jury of peers.
4.Remove property tax from land dedicated to solar power, agriculture and energy storage.
5.Money and power given to the counties, cities, and sovereign people where it belongs.
6.Universal Health Care provided by agency separated from State Government. Don't let the state have their hands on money collected for medical care.
7. From me personally: "Don't do drugs".
8.Liberate the Far North Coast from anything disturbing our local and individual cultures and natural environment - the beaches, the trees, the mountains, the lakes.
8 We need living wage jobs.
1. Tax credits for jobs for troubled youth. Give them a life now, while their problems are immature, before economic, social and BETA conditions influence the chances of a life behind bars. That saves the state and the victims and the youth afflicted tons of money and future trouble.
2. Examine the records of everyone in the state prison system. Find those cases where there is a significant doubt as to their guilt. Examine where they did not have the judicial rights that we expect as Americans. Find what kind of resources they had in going to court. Were they really equal before the law? The accused should have the same resources available to them as the "state".
3. Release those prisoners that are now being kept in prison only for their politics or their "attitude".You do the crime, you do the time.
We envision a future California where liberty abounds and the state government, as we know it, has fully withered away.
We seek to grow new leaders of California, a new hope.
We need to reduce state government to zero. Then we look at the small number of things that the county, the cities, the small groups, the families and the individuals themselves can not do. I imagine a small state government with almost no authority. Funds are collected for appropriate distibution for things like state highways, state universities and a California Medical Payor.
I would like to see the day when I can say that, truly, we have a state government but the state government does not have us.
When people trace the development of government, they like to give the example of a new small community that naturally forms a government to take care of things that individuals, families and small groups can not. Very early on, for example, they provide for a community school.
I claim that there was no such natural development in California.From the start a particular kind of government was forced on the people of California from the beginning. Towns were laid out as was the habit as the settler establishments moved across the frontier. When California became a state, a consitutuion was immediatley imposed largely based on that of Louisiana.
We need to dispose of all of this imposed government system, all over the state, and create a new kind of government with our intelligence and arisng from existing modern day social, economic, political and cultural conditions.
And, I hope, a state with Liberty for ALL.
Feel free to make any comments. This campaign for liberty is under construction and my individual brain can only go so far.
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